Hakushu is a renowned Japanese whisky known for its fresh and gently smoky flavor profile, often featuring herbal notes. The distillery, located in the woods of Mount Kaikoma, produces a variety of expressions, including the popular 12-year and 18-year single malts, celebrated for their unique characteristics and craftsmanship.
Hakushu Distillery Overview
- Location: Nestled in the Southern Japanese Alps, the Hakushu Distillery is one of the highest distilleries in the world.
- Environment: Surrounded by lush forests and mountains, the distillery benefits from a unique microclimate and soft water filtered through ancient granite, contributing to the whisky's distinct flavor.
Whisky Production
- Craftsmanship: The distillery employs artisanal methods, including the use of wooden washbacks during fermentation to enhance maturation.
- Variety of Casks: A selection of pot stills and casks is utilized to create a diverse range of single malt whiskies, each reflecting the local environment.
Product Range
- Hakushu 12 Years Old: A well-balanced whisky with a crisp and vibrant profile, ideal for both connoisseurs and casual drinkers.
- Hakushu 18 Years Old: Aged for a minimum of 18 years, this expression features carefully selected malt whiskies, offering a rich and complex flavor.
- Limited Editions: The distillery also releases special editions, such as the 100th Anniversary Limited Edition, showcasing unique blends and aging techniques.